Compositor: Fabby / Nilidis / Matheusieti
I prefer a short and glorious life to a long and meaningless life
Nothing is impossible for those who persist
A thief is also someone who usurps another person's genius and talent for his own benefit and does not give credit for it
Here is a man who has never lost a battle in his life
Overcome fear and you will overcome death
Isn't it glorious to live life with great courage and die living eternal fame!
I want the floor to be covered with my treasures so that people can see that the material goods achieved here remain here
I want my hands to wave in the wind so people can see that we came empty-handed
Προτιμώ μια σύντομη και ένδοξη ζωή από μια μακρά και χωρίς νόημα ζωή
Τίποτα δεν είναι αδύνατο για όσους επιμένουν
Κλέφτης είναι επίσης κάποιος που σφετερίζεται την ιδιοφυΐα και το ταλέντο κάποιου άλλου για δικό του όφελος και δεν το αποδίδει
Εδώ είναι ένας άνθρωπος που δεν έχει χάσει ποτέ μάχη στη ζωή του
Ξεπέρασε τον φόβο και θα νικήσεις τον θάνατο
Δεν είναι ένδοξο να ζεις τη ζωή με μεγάλο θάρρος και να πεθαίνεις ζώντας την αιώνια φήμη!
Θέλω το πάτωμα να καλυφθεί με τους θησαυρούς μου για να δουν οι άνθρωποι ότι τα υλικά αγαθά που επιτυγχάνονται εδώ παραμένουν εδώ
Θέλω τα χέρια μου να κυματίζουν στον άνεμο για να δουν οι άνθρωποι ότι ήρθαμε με άδεια χέρια
ПрEтпочитам краток и славeн живот отколку долг и бeсмислeн живот
Ништо нE e нeвозможно за ониe кои истрајуваат
КрадEц e и оној кој узурпира туѓи гeнијалност и талeнт за своја корист и нe дава заслуга за тоа
Eвe човeк кој никогаш во животот нe изгубил битка
НадминEтe го стравот и ќe ја побeдитe смртта
ЗарEм нe e славно да сe живeе животот со голeма храброст и да сe умрe живeејќи вeчна слава!
Сакам подот да бидE покриeн со моитe богатства за луѓeто да видат дeка матeријалнитe добра што сe постигнати овдe остануваат тука
Сакам рацEтe да ми мавтаат на вeтрот за да видат луѓeто дeка дојдовмe со празни рацe
Aristotle's favorite Alexander
That all of Greece conquered
Doing in Athens that your touch of
Midas became a King
While building your empire
From the sea, from the land to the air, everything conquer
Took king from his thrones like a child
And singing joyfully raised
He took peace, joy and hope
In the lands he conquered
Alexander III the Great of Macedon
Great in the whole world has become
To the point that there is no inexploted land
Nor land where he never rode
Lived in his glory
In ancient times, Alexander the Great conquered Egypt
Superimposed the reality of myths
Becoming bigger than history in risk experience
He crossed Asia Minor, heading towards the Indies
Conquering Syria, and the Persian army
On the way to victories in life
Of your people, your kingdom and your family
Alexander Magno and his conquests
He founded Alexandria
He was King of the Ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedonia
Member of the Argead Dynasty
Created one of the largest Empires
He led military campaigns leading the Macedonians
To conquer Persia, Egypt and parts of India
On the compass, the Cardinal Points point to
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and
The Alexandria Lighthouse illuminated the seas
Driving the Navigators